It may not make much sense at first that exercising the knee can help relieve the symptoms of knee pain, but this is backed by science and anecdotal evidence. There are many reasons why people suffering from knee pain should give exercise a try, such as maintaining as much of the joint’s range of motionContinue reading “How Regular Exercise Can Help Knee Pain”
Author Archives: admin
Protecting Your Joints in Summer
For many people, summer is the most active time of the year. It can be hard to resist heading outside to do any number of activities, from mowing the lawn to strolling in the park. Summer is also the season of golf, beach volleyball, swimming, and more. No one wants to be cooped up indoorsContinue reading “Protecting Your Joints in Summer”
Summer Foods for Managing Your Weight
Some of the worst moments arrive at the end of springtime when women try on their summer bathing suits after a long winter of eating snack foods and relaxing in a sedentary manner. Odds are, unless you’re one of those women who managed to avoid the dessert tray during family holidays and kept hitting theContinue reading “Summer Foods for Managing Your Weight”
What Is Whiplash?
If you’ve ever been in a vehicle accident or talked to people who have, you may have heard the term whiplash. This is a common injury in car accidents, but there can be some misconceptions surrounding it. In this article, we will clear it all up with an easy-to-understand guide for your reference. Whiplash isContinue reading “What Is Whiplash?”
Tips for Sleeping Better
Sleep – we all need it, but rarely do we get enough of it. It is just as essential as a healthy diet and regular exercise. Research shows that getting enough sleep every night helps protect your physical and mental health as well as improve your quality of life. Sleep can sometimes be disrupted with poor nightly patterns. IfContinue reading “Tips for Sleeping Better”
When to Use Cold or Hot Treatment for an Injury
We see plenty of hurting, so we’re pretty familiar with pain. We know that when you’re in pain – whether from a fresh injury or a long-term issue – you want relief, and you want it quickly. Both cold therapy and hot therapy are useful, but they play different roles in treatment. Read on toContinue reading “When to Use Cold or Hot Treatment for an Injury”
What Is a Herniated Disc?
If you’re experiencing pain, numbness, or weakness in your thighs or shoulder, it could be from a herniated disc. This is a spinal problem whose symptoms vary with each patient, but without proper management and examination, this condition could complicate into something far more serious. To understand what a herniated disc, we must first understandContinue reading “What Is a Herniated Disc?”
How to Really Eat Right
What does eating right mean to you? Losing weight, feeling healthier, counting calories, or something else? Well, what if there is a simpler way that isn’t a fad diet and doesn’t cost you anything? Why not go back to basics with intuitive eating! Intuitive eating is the idea that the best way to respect yourContinue reading “How to Really Eat Right”
Honoring Our First Responders
At Simpson Medical, we are always looking to recognize the men and women who serve our communities with their lives. That’s why we are launching a new offer to help them get them back on their feet as a sign of our appreciation for all that they do. We are offering first responders, including sheriffs,Continue reading “Honoring Our First Responders”