Non-Surgical Alternatives for Your Back
Back pain is the worst kind of pain. It tends to come and go, can pop up again at a moment’s notice (especially if you turn the wrong way or move too quickly), and it makes life much less fun to live. If you have back pain, then you know what we’re talking about. Sometimes it hurts to sit, sometimes to stand or even lie down, and the pain sometimes, depending on where it’s located, runs down one or both of your legs. Before you head to the nearest surgeon in order to have a full exam and schedule a procedure, you first need to try one of these non-surgical alternatives. All have a good track record of pain relief.
Disc Decompression
Disc decompression is a non-invasive procedure that relieves some of the pressure placed on the discs that make up the back. When these discs become damaged and start to bulge, then they’ll increase that pressure on everything around them. As a result, you end up with back pain. With disc decompression, this pressure is released, taking care of your pain, especially if they manage to get the bulging center of your discs back where it belongs – in the middle of your spine.
Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is much less scary than it sounds. This treatment involves using a special laser that sends charged photons into your tissues, where it stimulates them into repairing themselves. The amount of inflammation in the damaged area will go down as well, and your pain will begin to lessen. It may take more than one treatment for this to work, but the results are very good. Plus, the procedure only lasts for a few minutes even though the photons will continue to work for some time afterward.
If your pain stems from a pulled muscle or damaged connective tissue, then you can try acupuncture. Acupuncture is a time-tested therapy aimed at naturally promoting health and alleviating sickness by restoring the energetic balance of the body. This is achieved through the stimulation of very specific anatomical points, known as acupuncture points. To stimulate these points, very thin, hair-like, sterile needles, are superficially inserted into the skin. Many studies have shown that acupuncture is effective at treating a wide range of conditions such as musculoskeletal issues, pain problems, digestive disorders, anxiety, addictions, and much more.
To learn more about our pain relief treatments for your back, contact us today at Simpson Advanced Chiropractic and Medical today to arrange an appointment.