What Is Whiplash?
If you’ve ever been in a vehicle accident or talked to people who have, you may have heard the term whiplash. This is a common injury in car accidents, but there can be some misconceptions surrounding it. In this article, we will clear it all up with an easy-to-understand guide for your reference.
Whiplash is commonly found in vehicle accidents because it is defined as a neck injury that comes from a sudden movement forwards and backwards in the head and neck. Since car accidents tend to be cases in which a vehicle is travelling at speed and suddenly decelerating or stopping, this can cause a shock to your head and heck, which is unrestrained unlike the rest of your torso, which is kept secure by your seat belt. Because it’s impractical that everyday drivers put on helmets and neck collars like racing drivers, whiplash can happen more commonly our roads in the event of an accident.
One of the reasons why whiplash can be so difficult to identify early on is the fact that its symptoms can be delayed for 24 hours or even longer after the initial trauma. Even if you aren’t immediately feeling the effects, your neck and head are experiencing damage that can get worse if left unexamined. It can be tempting to think you don’t need a doctor after an accident if you don’t feel anything, but sometimes the worst is yet to come. Symptoms of whiplash can include:
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Headaches
- Shoulder pain
- Arm weakness and pain
- Back pain
Whiplash is best treated as early as possible even if you may not be feeling any effects at all. Symptoms can progress into a loss of range of motion, lasting pain, and a decline in one’s posture. However, early treatment can prevent the worst from happening and even fully treat whiplash injuries.
Don’t delay in getting your neck looked at after an accident no matter how severe you think it may or may not be. Contact us at Simpson Medical, where our trained medical professionals are here to help.