You may have heard about omega-3. But do you really know what it is? Omega-3 is a fatty acid mainly found in fish, fish oil, and eggs. Don’t let the word ‘fatty’ fool you – it’s a crucial nutrient that you need to improve your health and relieve your pain when needed! Your body hasContinue reading “How Does Omega-3 Improve Your Health?”
Author Archives: admin
Maintain Your Health with Exercise
By performing simply exercises on a regular basis, you are able to avoid chronic pain, which can seriously affect your health and diminish your quality of life. Here are some of the best ways to improve your health by preventing chronic pain! Build muscle: Your body requires muscle for support, since weak or little muscleContinue reading “Maintain Your Health with Exercise”
The Importance of Vitamin D for Your Health
Doctors often advise patients to ensure they get the right amount of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. One of the most important ones is Vitamin D. A lack of Vitamin D can pose serious issues to your health, making it one of the most essential nutrients that you need on a daily basis. VitaminContinue reading “The Importance of Vitamin D for Your Health”
Benefits of Staying Hydrated
It’s well-known that we should all be drinking more water. But how much water, and why? Water is the best way to maintain your body on a regular basis. Water helps carry nutrients around your body, including your cells, organs, and stimulate the digestive system. Without water, your body’s waste management would falter and leadContinue reading “Benefits of Staying Hydrated”
Eating in Moderation: Watching Your Carbs
The holidays may be over, however the holiday eating may have stuck around, and now we need to get back into the swing of eating right. Holidays mean family, gathering together, and also eating! Many holiday meals involve things such as potatoes, lots of bread, cake, and much more besides. In other words, there’s a lot ofContinue reading “Eating in Moderation: Watching Your Carbs”
Therapies For Foot and Ankle Pain
It’s no fun to experience pain at any time, but it’s especially no walk in the park to experience foot or ankle pain – literally. Our feet are what we use daily to get around, and to experience pain there of all places can mean a highly diminished quality of life and a lack ofContinue reading “Therapies For Foot and Ankle Pain”
Best Ways To Keep Your Back Strong
Your back is one of the most important parts of your body. Without a healthy back, you would have poor posture, weak muscles, and poor joints, which could potentially set you up for serious pain and permanent damage in the long run. Here are some ways to keep your back healthy, strengthening it and keepingContinue reading “Best Ways To Keep Your Back Strong”
Winding Down: Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief
It’s not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed after a long day, but some believe that it’s unavoidable and can’t be relieved without seeing a doctor all the time. This is not the case! If you are feeling stressed out, it’s important to remember that everyone has these moments and you can often relieve itContinue reading “Winding Down: Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief”
Headaches: How Pain Can Trigger Headaches As Well
If you’re a sufferer of pain in your joints or muscles, you may also be experiencing headaches. You may pass that off as unrelated, thinking that it’s to do with your stress, your job, or something else. But it’s also quite likely that your headaches have been triggered by the pain you are suffering. OneContinue reading “Headaches: How Pain Can Trigger Headaches As Well”